Monday, August 19, 2013

Earle Family Camping 2013!

Way back last Spring my brother Nick planned a huge Earle family camping trip. 
We new mom would love it. 
After she died we decided to keep the reservations and have fun in her honor. 
It was three of my brothers, their families and 2 of my cousins and their kids. 

We all rented these cute cabins. 
Cute and uh, rustic?

Nick was the master chef all weekend. 
He is quite the whiz on the grill I tell you!

Poor Josh got something in his eye and was sidelined for awhile.

Beautiful girl

Beautiful, silly girls. 
Jaden and Tess. 

No idea what happened in this pic...but its cousin Joy and her oldest Julia. 

Lots of time around the fire. 

Nick didnt have any marshmallows. ;)

 The kids played tons of games. 
Uno and Spot it were their favorites. 

The adults played Pepper!!

We were in Amish Country. 

We had a fun time on Saturday at the Nature Center near by. 

Avery really wants a turtle now! 

 And I want wildflowers. 

Torrance did great and loved every second of the trip. 

We also had a fishing derby on Saturday.
Sullivan had the time of his life all weekend and this was one of his highlights.

Uncle Jordan was the fisherman extraordinaire. 

 Although we headed back to the campsite with no food for supper. 

The campground had lots of activities for kids - crafts, scavenger hunt and hay rides. 

My Uncle Roger (dad's only sibling) and Aunt Jean showed up on Saturday night for supper. 

We spent a lot of time asking Roger questions about my grandpa's time in WWII. 
I regret so much never sitting and really listening when my dad would talk to us like this. 

Then Roger, Jordan and Joe taught Sullivan the important life skill of Snipe Hunting. 

 My seriously cute nephews!!

 And I cannot leave these last two pictures some point Jordan found a funny youtube video and then these 4 watched it repeatedly and were laughing hysterically. 
The rest of us had fun watching them laugh! 

It was a fantastic weekend. 
Bittersweet due to the gaping holes that were not filled by mom and dad. 
But I love knowing that they would be so happy knowing we were all together and talking about them. 

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