Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My littles

I love having 'big' kids. They are fun to talk with, play 'real' games with, study with, experience with...
I love my three 'big' kids.

But something about my time with my 'little girls' has been so sweet lately. I can't reason with them or expect as much from them. And they can't help me out as much as the 'bigs'.
But they cuddle, and sing and dance and tell me they love me out of the blue. They say the most adorable and hilarious things. And their bodies are so little and soft. 
And sometimes I do expect way to much of them...I forget that they are 5 and 3...thinking they are like their siblings and should act 8 or 9 or 12.
But right now I'm just enjoying their littleness and how much they love being near me. Their sweetness and their silliness. 

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