Thursday, August 21, 2014

Happy 68th Birthday Dad!

Today my dad would be 68. 

They say 'time heals all wounds'. 

That's a lie. 

Time dulls wounds but it does not heal. 

Only eternity with Christ can heal this wound. 

I still miss him. 
Every single day. 
I think of him. 
Every single day. 
I long for a hug or a smile from him. 
Every single day. 
I listen for his laughter. 
Every single day. 

Last week Jordan and I were talking about him and I said the thing I'm missing most right now is how I could call him up with a question about ANYTHING and he would know the answer. 
Seriously, anything. 
He was a wealth of knowledge. 
Exceptionally well read and always learning more. 
Basically, he was google, before there was google. 

So today on his birthday I will talk about him and look at pictures and remember all the things that made him so 'missable' and I will be thankful that one day I will hear that laugh again and feel that scratchy beard during a hug. 

I love you Daddy. 
Every single day. 

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