Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Potty Time!!

I was beginning to question if Torrance was ever going to get potty trained. She's three and it's starting to get a bit embarrassing.
I was planning on starting potty training boot camp on Friday. Well she must have wanted nothing to do with that...because this morning she told me she was too big for diapers and she wanted panties.
She was dry all morning and went on her own several times. Then we had to drive to Cedar Falls. She stayed dry and went when we arrived at hobby lobby.


Then she had an accident which TRAUMATIZED her. Wen we got home she insisted on panties again and even pooped unprompted! She chose some candy as a reward.

Now I'm smart enough to know that we aren't out of the woods yet but wow! This is promising!

Side note: she also told me tonight that she is too big for her tippie cup! 
Part of me is very sad!

1 comment:

Rosanna and Isaiah said...

WAY TO GO, Tori! I knew you would be potty trained in no time once you made up your mind ;) You are a very determined youngster and once in awhile that might actually help your Mom out :)