Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekend Wrap-up

Wow, we crammed a lot into this weekend. I can tell the holidays are drawing near.
Friday night Mandy and I made our annual 'pre-thanksgiving late night wal-mart run'. It was sad and funny how excited we were for this time out. We even stayed out until almost 11:30. (Somewhere out 20-something selves were crying and laughing at us)

Saturday was Grundy's Holdiay kick-off. We started they day visiting Mrs. Claus. Torrance loved her.

Then we went to the festival of trees. The kids are posed here in front of the 'memories tree'.

Here is the ornament we picked out for Grandma Barb. Grandma Cindy used her beautiful handwriting to write the card for us.

One of the most creative trees was by my friend, and fashion guru, Holly.

After the hospice soup lunch it was time for naps!!
Honestly, I love him!

That night we visited Santa! I guess the 3 older kids were above this.

Then we went on a FREEZING cold trolley phone camera didn't do a great job here.

I spent much of today getting our house prepared so that when we arrive gone from our Thanksgiving getaway we can jump right into Christmas fun on December 1.

Now it's all of us snuggled up, watching ELF, and drinking hot chocolate.

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