Monday, November 11, 2013

weekend wrap

We had such a good weekend. 
Then my lack of patience and bad attitude had to end it on a bad note as the kids were going to bed tonight. I hate when I do that. Why do I do that? 

Anyway, the good seen by my phone.

Friday was 'Friend Friday'...apparently. 
Lauren left for a slumber party and Avery had Brooklyn over for the night. 
If it weren't for them performing this song they wrote for me I would not have even known they were here.

That afternoon Cindy came over and created an anniversary card for Jordan and me. 
(Jordan has been compared to Patrick Swaze by a co-worker!)
Too funny.

Saturday afternoon was football, football, football. 
These two have some crazy games in the yard. 
The crazy part is the competitiveness that they both display.

They had a cheering section this day. 
The neighbor's grandsons were over and they sat in their driveway eating Cheerios and watching. 

This kid is OBSESSED with football. 
Especially NFL. 
Its scary what he knows. 

Contessa requested sometime with me alone and she chose making cookies. 
Here she and kitty just cannot wait to taste our hard work! 
I love her. 

We went to Yoders for supper and the football continued. 
Poor Riggs, he was too nice to fight back!

More football fun!

Unfortunately for me, I went to bed Saturday night really not feeling well. 
And so Sunday involved a lot of this for me. 
He takes really good care of me. 
(And puts up with my cat)

Sunday the Kirkpatricks came over for a long overdue get together. 
Sully and Jalen spent a lot of the night outdoors and the rest of it trying to figure out some computer games. 

Tori and Charlee. 
Oh my. 
They do not quite get along. 
The smiles in this picture is only because Avery is between them!

And then this was what happened after they left...
after a time out for hitting Charlee, where she intentionally wet her pants, she had a couple of serious discussions with mom and dad.
Whoever coined the term 'terrible twos' is full of it...its terrible THREES!!!!!!

And that's a wrap! 

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