Friday, December 01, 2006


One of my favorite traditions from growing up was our yearly Christmas Ornament. Every year we each got a new Christmas ornament to hang on the family tree. Some time after the tree was up my dad would bring out our ornaments. We never knew when they had been purchased, we never got to pick them out. And I was never once disappointed in the one that was chosen for me. Somehow they always fit each of us perfectly.
At one of my bridal showers before Jordan and I were married I opened up a gift from my mom to find all my 18 ornaments boxed up to become part of my own Christmas tree.
Jordan and I started this tradition with our own kids when Lauren had her first Christmas. This year we took the kids over and let Lauren and Avery pick out their own ornaments. Lauren loves to lay out her ornaments and stare at them before they go on the tree. She is as mezmorized as I was by the ornaments chosen especially for her...
I posted a few of my favorites from my own collection and Lauren and Avery's choices this year. (Daddy hasnt found the first one for Sullivan's first Christmas yet...)

Avery chose a bird - birds have boundless energy - perfect for Avery!

Lauren chose a 'fancy' girl - just like 'Fancy Nancy' - perfect for Lauren!

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