Friday, June 22, 2007

Avery Elizabeth turns THREE!

I spent sometime this week trying to imagine what our life would be like if God had not sent Avery to live with us. For one thing, my house would be quieter, much quieter. I would have far fewer fights to break up and likely fewer tears to wipe away. My playroom would undoubtedly stay cleaner, longer. And the bedtime routine would not leave me feeling as if I had just been through a triatholan. Meal times would not be a huge negotiation taking major patience on my part! ☺

BUT I would also have many fewer hugs, kisses and ‘loves’ each day. I would be told that I was loved way too little. And I would no longer stop several times during my day, smile, belly laugh and forget every thing on my mind when she pulls an Avery stunt!

Avery came into the world feeling like she had a race to be won. She was moving so early – rolling over at just a few weeks old, crawling at 3.5 months and standing at 6 months. She never ceases to amaze us. Her emotions are a constant rollercoaster. She can level you with her angry deep blue eyes and melt you with a smile. She is to say the least – very intense!

Jordan and I commented the other day that Avery doesn’t just cause people to smile as they pass by a curly haired little girl, they stop, stare and seem to have special memories brought to their minds as they watch Avery and her antics. She is no doubt a very special girl.

Avery our prayer for you is that you will slow down to enjoy the beautiful world around you. Turn to your Savior and find a personal relationship with Him. We know that He has a very special plan for you that no one else could possibly accomplish.

Thank you Avery for the smiles, laughter and love. You are our baby Avie. Such A Very good girl as papa Richard called you…
All our love


Anonymous said...

I'm sure she makes God smile!!

Anonymous said...

Wow mom! You finally learned how to post! :)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY HAPPY birthday, Avery!!!