Monday, April 14, 2008

Avery and Preschool

Tonight we attended Avery's preschool open house. She has been anticipating this night for approximately 2 years. She wants to be a big girl like Lauren and have a teacher and do special things. She wants to have friends to talk about. When I filled out the enrollment forms a couple of weeks ago she sat beside me and had the biggest smile on her face and proudly told Sullivan that mommy was signing her up for school and that he was too little to go.

Tonight she was beaming when we walked in the door. She loved meeting Miss Kruger and Mrs. Ruskusky, her teachers and exploring through the toys. She loved having Lauren show her where she would hang her coat and which hallway she would take to the bathroom. She loved knowing that Grandma Cindy's classroom would be right across the hall.

I have watched all this with an anxious heart. When Lauren went to preschool I was sad because she was growing up but I knew that she would love every second and excel beyond our wildest dreams. With Avery I am wary. Will she really love it like she thinks? Will the structure be Avery's thing? Likely not. Will she get her feelings hurt by her friends like she so easily tends to do? And mostly will her teacher - GET HER? Will they understand her ways and her moods? Will they see the Avery that we see? Oh my heart is beating fast as I think about this one growing up. I dont want her to turn 4 this summer. I want to keep her by my side where I can protect and shelter. But then again, Avery has never really let me do that. Maybe that is why Im struggling?

Letting go is hard. Even when its just for preschool.

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