Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jail bird

Sullivan really loves to spot Police Cars around town. Recently we saw one and I told Jordan that we should try to get one of the local cops to let him sit in their car.
Avery was adamantly against this, "No! Then they'll take us to jail!"
I assured her that only naughty people have to go to jail, like people who steal.

She thought about this and said, "Yeah, like people who steal toys. Like Jalen!"

Sorry Mel and Jason, looks like he's already got a black mark against him! :)


Tiffany said...

I stopped by via my sister Andrea's blog - although it's a county car, I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind letting Sully sit in his car. And it's just down the street!

-Tiffany (Yeomans) Whiteman

Andrea Dellit said...

that's hilarious because I was going to just post the same thing that Tiffany did! As a matter of fact, not only would he not mind, he would LOVE it! He loves kids!

What a cutie!

Melanie said...

We'll have the bail money ready!