Thursday, April 03, 2008


This morning I was all showered, dressed and ready to go except for my socks. I sat down on my bed and realized that suddenly I am too big to put my own socks on my feet. I could have cried. Im only 26 weeks!

In my past 3 pregnancies I was just getting into maternity clothes at about 20 weeks, with this one I've been in since the baby was about the size of a pea. And now I'm the size of a whale - WAY TOO EARLY!
What am I going to look like in 14 weeks!?!??!?!!?

Luckily for me I have Avery. She ever so sweetly sat down and helped me put on my socks. She made me laugh so hard through this process that it was worth it. Almost. :)


Courtney said...

ha! ha! i'm laughing because i can RELATE! the last couple mornings at the gym i've had a hard time putting my socks on and felt RIDICULOUS! it needs to turn to sandal weather...FAST!

Holly said...

yeah, that happened to me too only in the end I was having twins - I didn't find out until I was 20 weeks pregnant and had been in maternity since like 7 weeks!

Beckysblog said...

At least others feel the same pain, I guess!