Wednesday, April 25, 2012

18 months

On Sunday Torrance turned 18 months old!

Now, I know I say certain ages are my favorite but truly 18 month olds - hands down - are my favorite. 
If you must know, the order would go like this, 18 months, 2 years, 6 months, 3 years. 
There, thats my favorite age order for little ones.

Here is a little of what she is up to at 1.5 years old...

*talking more and more. It seems that every day she learns a new word. She says: mama, dada, no, please, night night, hi, bye bye, hot dog, juice, ow, uh oh, puppy, meow, kiss and more

*she is still not a very good eater, her allergies are basically totally frustrating. 

*she goes to bed at 7:30 or 8 and wakes up about 7 for some milk and then goes back to sleep.

*she is a great napper...but sometimes she wishes she still had 2 a day and does this as she waits for lunch...TOO cute!  

*she loves her siblings. LOVES. She is always excited to see them after her nap.
-or any old time!

*she plays pretend with big girl toys like polly pockets and barbies, she colors, she talks on the phone

*she loves loves loves to read books with pictures of animals. I spend many many moments of my day stopping to read an animal book to her. She gets so excited that she does the running man and squeals as I turn the pages. 

*she folds her hands when we pray, she tackles and pulls hair. She is a BULLY!

*she loves music and dancing - especially when the older kids get her going.

*she loves to be the center of attention and get everyone to laugh at her antics.

*she is mommy's girl.

Oh Torrance Reagan, how has 18 months passed so quickly?
Stop right now and remain this age! PLEASE!


Ellie said...

Unbelievably cute!!

Courtney said...

she's so cute. and i LOVE 18 months, too! i actually mostly agree with your whole order (i would just switch 2 yrs and 3 yrs - i like 3 better...)