Sunday, April 15, 2012

And Miss Contessa...

Contessa, Contessa, Contessa.
Just saying her name seems to kind of sum her up!

She was a joy on the beach. 

But as usual, felt she was invincible and did not need us with her. 
She'd run off exploring and Id go after her reminding her to stay close!

She really wanted to be Tori's big helper. 
And Tori tolerated it quite well. 

Until Tess got too bossy...then Torrance would scream at her. 

But they were so cute together. 
Laughing, splashing. 
Here Tess is actually keeping her from falling over into the water. 

After 2 year olds my favorite thing is a 3 year old. 

And this one is just one of the best. 

1 comment:

Jennie Peakin said...'re crazy...3 year olds are one of your favorite things?! Eek. You can have mine until he turns 4 if you'd like! ;)