Thursday, October 11, 2012


Weekend recap time...lots of pictures...beware.

We arrived in Chicago on Friday afternoon. 
Troy and Amy met us on Saturday morning. 
We all headed to the registration 'party' at the convention center. 
I was not expecting it to be what it is. 

Everything is so well organized and technological. 
This had Jordan's name, bib #...

A video of the race through the streets. 

The theme of the race was OWN CHICAGO.

Yep, 26.2 miles. 
That's a lot. 
I thought the map of the race beside Jordan here was cool.

There were endless vendors throughout the convention center.
Including a full Nike store.

And a DJ. 
Why wouldn't there be?

All the runners names were on this big wall. Can you find Jordan?

And Troy?

Then, out of like 55,000 runners...Jordan found my OB Dr.!
Totally hilarious and awesome. 
Their times were only 9 seconds off from each other. 

The morning of the race arrived!!!
All ready to go, Dtag and all. 

Yes, those are tube socks on his arms...easier to throw away. 


Mandy, he took every piece of your advice VERY seriously. 
He even had a snickers in his belt!

And a few other goodies. 

Amy and I headed out shortly after the boys left. 
The scene was just amazing. 
So festive and fun!
I loved watching it all. 

Runners start to shed their clothes as they run. 
There were just piles on the streets and sidewalks. 

This guy was telling runners where the porta-potties were. 

Gatorade and Water stop. 

One thing we learned this trip...neither Amy or I can really read a map.
At one point I had to GET INTO the map. 
That helped. 

The spectators had many gimmicks to get their runners attention. 
This guy chose a cow bell.
I've gotta have more cow bell!

We found a perfect spot to watch right at the 1/2 way point. 

We called this lady the 'sidewalk Nazi'
She would bang those black balloons and hit people with them if they stepped too far into the road. 

And here's a banana running. 

And Mario.

And a guy in a tux.

And Forest, Forest Gump.

And this old guy...he has on a sequined skirt. 
We saw him later at our hotel. 

And wait, whose that guy?! 
Its Troy!

Still smiling!

There he goes.

And look whose only a couple minutes behind??

He was kind of startled to see us. 
He gave me a kiss and kept running. 

We could not get close to the finish line. 
So we hung out in the Post Race Party. 
And it was a party. 
Complete with a band. 

Beautiful scene. 

We found Troy!

Post race hug back there behind this random girl. 


We had to wait a little bit for Jordan. 
Our meeting spot was the Bean. 
Troy became our photographer. 

Then we found Jordan. 
I loved those 'foil blankets' they gave all the runners. 
Just added to the festive feel of the day. 

I was so happy to see him. 
I cried. 
This had to have been one of my top 20 greatest moments of my life. It was unforgettable and emotional. It may sound like I am making too much of that moment but everyone seemed to realize it that day. Many runners reunited with family were in tears and even sobbing. Its a huge accomplishment. And so physically hard. And such a mental game. When its over to me it would be pretty odd not to break down.

Yep, he's mine. 

I have a feeling this moment would rank in the top 10 of Jordan's life...
his favorite city, a huge event behind him, hundreds of other runners and spectators all taking in the moment, sharing it with our wonderful friends.....doesn't get much better. 

Way to go guys!
So proud! 
It should be noted that Jordan was somewhat delirious at this point...shortly after he basically walked into the middle of a busy street and was about by a bus. Wow.

Feeling a little tired after his shower.:)

An unforgettable experience!
Thank you to everyone for the texts, calls, facebook msgs ect. 
Thank you for tracking our guys on line and for praying for them. 
So blessed. 


Andrea said...

What an amazing accomplishment, Jordan! And Becky, I totally understand the bawling. The day I ran my best 5k (a whimpy 3 miles!) I started bawling after I hit the finish line. I have watched many friends in half marathons and marathons and it's cool each and every time. In 2 weeks we are going to watch 2 of our best friends run one - I can't wait for them!

Meghan said...

Great job Jordan and Troy, and a shout out to Becky and Amy because training involves lots of work and time....and you are awesome women for supporting them. Woohoo

Ellie said...

Loved every minute of it! And WAY to go Jordan! We are proud of you and so glad we got to be a part of your first marathon!