Tuesday, October 09, 2012

The back story

Last December Jordan got a rather unsavory medical report at his yearly physical.
He was told he had a high BMI, high cholesterol and he had to go on a cholesterol medication.
Pretty much...start exercising and eating right.

Now if you know my husband you know this...he is a gung-ho, all or nothing, jump in feet first, all in, go big or go home, act - then think, if I set my mind to it - its done, committed, action oriented, adventurous spirit, type of person.

So a couple of days after the appointment when he told me he was going to sign up for the Chicago Marathon in 2012 I was not surprised. I of course am a lot of things my husband is not. So, I started telling him all my fears, all the reasons he should not do it, all my worries, all the logistics all the things standing in the way.

He scoffed, as usual. And he said, 'Becky this is not for me. This is for us. For you. For our kids. I will not have you sitting at any of our kids' weddings alone.'

And of course...that was the moment I went ALL IN.

He signed up. Paid the entry fee.

And so last Friday we set out for the Chicago Marathon.

Jordan does not get nervous.

Another trait of his that I do not share.

I was a wreck. To me running 26.2 miles is not even just ridiculous it is STUPID. If God meant for us to run that far he would not have given us horses or brains to invent cars. Duh.

He had a time goal but I think his ultimate goal was just to finish. I know it was my goal for him. He battled a lot of injury that really hampered his training. I reminded him before he left the morning of the race that he accomplished the most important goals already...he did indeed lose 20 lbs and he is indeed off his cholesterol med. He went from barely making it around the block to being ready for a marathon.

So did he finish?

I'll let his medal do the talking for me....

And I guess the medal doesn't quite do it. So I'll say, Jordan in my eyes you were amazing long before this journey....I've always believed that anything you wanted would be yours. But now, yeah, its true, you are even more amazing.

Also man, you are crazy. I love you, but you are crazy.

And I am crazy in love.

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