Monday, October 15, 2012

Prior to the Race

Jordan and I knew that we wanted to see a show on our night alone in the city.
We ended up going to a magic show. 
I know that sounds weird and kind of lame. 
But it was great!
It was in one of favorite hotels - the Palmer House
(Jordan's grandparents honeymooned there!)

It was very small - only 12 audience members. 
And it was so fun!
Lots of laughs and audience participation. 
Jordan is currently trying to figure out all the tricks. 

So...then...we were walking back and in the middle of the street I started yelling and jumping up and down telling Jordan, 'That was Ross Perot! That was Ross Perot.'
Jordan is much less easily excited than I am.

He said Becky, 'That is not Ross Perot, it might be Lou Holtz, but it is not Ross Perot.'

Then I started screaming, 'It IS Lou Holtz!' over and over.

Then the guy who was walking with Lou came back towards us. We all crossed the street together and I asked if that was in fact Lou Holtz. 
It was. 
So Jordan says, 'Well who are you? Should we know you?'
He said no, he was Lou's very close friend. 

Then he takes this pin off his lapel and gives it to me. 
It is a replica of a statue on the Notre Dame campus of Lou Holtz.
And then he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a 'coin' that says, 'Play Like a Champion Today'
and gives it to Jordan. 

Then I proceeded to freak out and call and text everyone I know to tell them about our encounter. 

So what did we learn?
If Becky ever meets a REAL celebrity...walk away will not be something you want to witness.


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