Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy 8th Birthday, Sullivan Joseph!!!

Oh Sullivan Joseph, 
First I want you to know that in my heart this will always be you...
5 year old you. 
Toothless and so full of energy, love and boyness!

 Then there is the 8 year old you. 
Still full of all those same things...but older. 
A bit more, reserved? maybe?
You getting older is hard on your mom! 
Do you know that? 

Sully, I am not even sure where to start on your birthday. 
You are full. 
Full is the best word to describe you. 
Full of energy, charisma, dreams, jokes, ideas, plans, strategies, smiles, drama, jumping, shouting, noise, thoughts, laughter, appetite, cuddles...

You wake up the day with your mind already racing. 
You fill more spoken words into 1 hour than most people put into 1 day. 
You get more out of a day than most people get out of a year. 

Your dad and I always say, 'whatever Sullivan is going to do, he is going to shoot for the moon while he does it.' You ALWAYS give your all. You always go for the top. You do not even know what 'settling' is. And while that exhausts me, I know that there is no greater quality I could desire for you. I see things in your that I wish I saw in myself. I pray that you never, ever lose your zest for life and your passion for all things BIG!

I love that I get to be the one to sit beside you as you learn and as you figure out how to always strive for the top. What a lucky mom I am. 

Sullivan, your dad and I are so blessed to have the front row seats as your incredible life unfolds. We are in awe of you and who you are becoming. 
You are the most fantastic kid I can imagine..and you are ours! 

Keep dreaming big Sully, big things await you, I have no doubt. 

Happy 8th Birthday to our only boy, to the one and only, Sullivan Joseph!
We could not love you more. 

1 comment:

Rosanna and Isaiah said...

Totally with you, Becky. God has put several amazing children into my life, but Sully will always have a special place. I can not believe how much he is growing up. I remember once when he told me that I should not ever get a boyfriend because I had him as my friend. :) In fact, I was a little nervous the first time I brought Isaiah to your house to meet the kids. Obviously, I didn't need to worry about that since Sully now loves Isaiah way more than he loves me!!! :) Love watching my two favorite boys together! Tell Sully I can looking forward to a massive hug from him when I get back!!!!