Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Olympic Dreams

Another Olympics has come and gone...
I think this might be the year we have watched the least. 
Not sure why, other than that we didn't have a ton of those BIG names we were interested in and the Winter Games are just NOT the Summer Games. 

But the kids were all into it nonetheless. 
We did some fun Olympic themed school projects.

I am not even sure what event Avery was watching when I took this photo. 
But she was locked in. 
And not responding to me repeatedly saying her name from one seat over. 

She was dreaming, Olympic Dreams. 
We've all done it. 
At least all girls!
I remember doing 'flips' and somersaults and cartwheels all over the living room as a child. 
And ending in the characteristic Olympic pose. 

Man I wanted to be an Olympic figure skater or gymnast!
I could just taste it. 
The only thing I lacked was talent and years and years of dedicated practice!

I love watching the Olympics through my kids' eyes now. 
And knowing that they too are dreaming of how they could make their way up onto that medal stand. 

Good bye Olympics...for just a couple years.

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