Friday, April 06, 2007


Well we came home to 3 happy kids. But Sully's rash on his hand looked really bad so I made him a dermatologist appt for today since I had to take Lauren over for her pre-op physical anyway.
We came back with Avery on medication for strep - how can you have strep and not have a fever? SO GLAD I told the dr. she was acting a little funny and he said lets test her.

Lauren is not sick and surgery is set for Monday at 8:30.

Sully's hand is infected and the doctor said it is time to get serious. She is very worried about his hand. She proceeded to tell me that children can loose fingers and toes VERY easily due to infections and that his hand was borderline serious. I about passed out.

So he is on an oral antibiotic, an antibiotic cream and get this...we have to begin wrapping his hands at night so that he cannot suck on any part of this. So, I will be putting cotton gloves on him and then taping those on. Please pray that he does not react to this like I think he will. I feel like I am torturing him, but I know I have to.
Pray for us, especially for Sully. Ugh...

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

Good luck on Monday! We'll be thinking about you guys!