Thursday, April 19, 2007


Last night we had supper at my mom's. About half way through my mom asked where avery was.
She walked around the corner and Jordan said, she is covered in soap - her hands, arms, face and head!!!! And she doesnt have any pants or panties on!
She was standing quite a ways away from us and we couldnt really see her. I told her to go to the bathroom so we could get her cleaned up. Once I got in there I noticed that the 'soap' was also covering the walls, the door, the sink, and the cabinet in the bathroom.
Then I looked closer. It wasnt was VASELINE!!!!! COVERING EVERYTHING!
We were all laughing so hard there was nothing we could do. And Avery just stood there as proud as could be!

My mom is still working today to try and get it off everything and even after a bath last night Avery's hair is still very greasy and gross.

Only Avery. I guess that will teach us - when Avery is missing and very quiet - investigate immiedetly! You'd think we would know that by now with her.


Melanie said...

Also something to remember... store the vaseline up very high! Hilarious!!

Andrea Dellit said...

I can totally picture her doing this!! I have the same rule now with my puppy...if I don't go find him right away when he's quiet, he usually has a kleenex torn into 30 million pieces!

Heather said...

ugh!!! That stuff is tough to clean up! But, I bet she had a great time with it!

Anonymous said...

that sounds like fun!! (i mean for Avery)