Monday, February 04, 2008

Happy Birthday!

With the exception of a splitting migraine (cant take my normal cure all because of the baby in my belly) and sinus issues that have plagued me for a couple of weeks now, I had a wonderful birthday weekend.
Many phone calls and cards, a night out with my husband, (who embarrased me by asking the Texas Roadhouse gang to announce my special day to the crowd - and making me sit on a saddle and then receive a not-worth it bowl of ice cream), a superbowl/birthday party at my mom's with Nick, Stacie and Livvie, breakfast in bed with all my kids and some great presents!
I truly love breakfast in bed with my kids. We normally spill, I have to share my eggs, toast and yogurt, and undoubtedly someone starts crying, but I love it. I know that in 10 years I will really really want breakfast in bed with my kids and they will refuse. I LOVE this time and memories we are making.
I also received the game Blokus, a puzzle and a stow and go puzzle mat from Jordan and the kids. I've wanted a stow and go puzzle mat for years, literally.

Today I woke up feeling no better after going to bed at 7:30 last night. So I gave in and went to the dr. Yep, sinus infection and double ear infection! (what am I 3?)
The dr. said the migraines are very likely a direct result of the sinus infection, which I've probably had for weeks. I've got good drugs now and plan to sleep the afternoon away.

1 comment:

Shannon/Jodi said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you're feeling better soon.