Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy 4th Birthday, Avery!

I really do not understand how Avery can be 4 today. I struggle with Lauren being 6 but it FEELS like 6 years ago that she was born, while it feels like yesterday that Avery was born.
Lauren turned our world upside down because she was our first - we had to let her train us to be parents (poor kid!)! Avery turned our world upside down because we had to learn that what everyone was telling us was actually true - "Every child is different and just when you think you have the parenting thing 'mastered' the next one comes along and blows all those beliefs out of the water." Never could two sisters be more opposite!

I'll never forget the day when Jordan and I walked into the living room and my heart stopped beating because we could not find Avery. I had left her in the middle of the floor on her tummy on a blanket. She wasn't there anymore - but the blanket was. Then we found her - behind the couch...she was 3.5 months old! Its been a wild ride ever since.

And one that Jordan and I wouldn't change for one second. Ok, maybe there are moments in the day when I wish she weren't quite so fast, intense and wild...but those moments are always replaced by childlike laughter - from me, the world's best hugs - from her, the sweetest 'I love you's - from her, and tears of joy - from me again.

Avery I truly pray that you never lose that zest for life that sometimes drains me. I pray that you will always wake early and look for adventure like you do today. I pray that you keep your energy and your spark. You are so special to us - a simple smile from you can pick me up and keep me going when what I want to do is lay down and give up. I love to imagine what God has in store for your life. I can see you as a nurse or doctor - you can be so caring and gentle and you seem to love the site of blood and owies and always want to investigate all those things - not something you got from your mother. I can see you as a comedian on television - please oh please no. I can see you as an artist - using some of your uniqueness to shine. I can see you as a scientist - mixing things together to see what will happen or taking them apart to see how they will work.

Avery what ever it is that you become remember first and foremost that you have a Father in Heaven who created you exactly the way He wanted. Look to Him for your stregnth and your refuge. And remember my sweet baby girl, there will always be two waiting at home who will forever be your biggest fans.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Mommy and Daddy

Avery at six months.


Shannon/Jodi said...

Beautiful. I love your birthday blogs. Happy Birthday Avery!

Andrea Dellit said...

it's the best thing ever when you write letters :) They are so wonderful....

Happy Birthday, Avery!

Brad & Andrea