Monday, April 11, 2011


After supper tonight Jordan said, 'Are you ok? You haven't blogged in awhile.'
That is funny and sweet on so many levels.

I'm short on words or even thoughts.

But I've got plenty of pictures from our short trip to the park tonight.
Pictures of these people who I'm lucky enough to call mine.

Sullivan - Mr. Energy

Avery always has to hold hands.


Lauren is always helping out.
And smiling. I hope this doesn't change as she enters these 'tween years.

And the two year old.
Oh goodness I love two year olds.
but this one tests me.
She questions everything and does not 'obey right away'...kind of my daily motto!

One good thing about big families...when one of you loses something at recess -
there is plenty of help to go back after supper to search for it.

One downside? There are lots of kids to yell - 'Push me Daddy!' ;)

And the baby...oh the baby.

She's so great.
And such an amazing baby.
And I'm so glad I get to snuggle and love on her all day long.

Are you kidding me with those eyes?

She skips my heart.

They all kind of do.

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