Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Torrance is outgrowing her 4 nap a day schedule.
She just doesn't know it yet.
If I let her take 4 naps nowadays they are all short and she is fussy.

So the past few weeks I've cut it to 3 and somedays 2.

She gets up about 8:00 or 8:30, naps at 10 for 1/2 hour to 1 hour,
then goes down again at 2 for 2.5-3 hours. ah!
Then sometimes an evening nap, sometimes not.
Then goes to bed at 8 with the other kids.

It works perfectly for her to have a long afternoon nap giving me time with the older kids when they get home and time to get supper started. And a little quiet time for me too I wont lie!
This schedule keeps her so much happier too.

But around 12:30 Tori can get pretty fussy as she waits
for her 1-1:30 bottle after we walk Sully to preschool.

Today I was cleaning up the kitchen and she wasn't fussing yet but I could tell we were getting to the tired point. Then I looked over and poof...she was asleep.

My babies do not do this past about age 2 months.
They are really only able to sleep once I lay them in their beds.
This NEVER happens.
But Tori has her trusty best friend - her thumb.
Its a magic trick for her.
And I think its like the cutest thing ever.

And seriously, is that not the sweetest thing in the entire world...a totally conked out baby!?


Andrea said...
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Andrea Dellit said...

oh my gosh! adorable.

Ellie said...


jenn said...

can you figure out a schedule for us next?? i DESPERATELY need one! ;)