Thursday, April 07, 2011

no coincidence

If you know me, you know I don't believe in coincidence.

Everything has a purpose. Everything is planned.

So it was no coincidence that I was feeling overwhelmed today.

No coincidence that the past couple days and tomorrow have been some of my busiest with real estate.

No coincidence that I forgot to set out our roast for supper and didn't realize it till too late to do anything about it.

No coincidence that Torrance's nap had been 1/2 its normal time, Avery had soccer, I needed to get Lauren's outfit ready for her concert at 7 and I had to race to the post office before it closed and everyone was whining all at the same very bad moment.

No coincidence that I was tired and feeling pretty anxious about 'getting it all done'.

So then of course it was no coincidence that a friend I haven't talked to in a couple months called out of the blue and said, 'I have supper for you and your family.'

And no coincidence that it happened to be my husband's most favorite meal that she had prepared.

Nope. No coincidence.

It was planned by Someone who looks out for me.

Our family is so blessed.

And thank you friend. The meal was wonderful and just what we needed. Sullivan called it, 'Delicious!' and it was...

And you aren't too bad yourself!

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