Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lauren's Day

Those amazing Mother's Day photos are still waiting to be shared...but first I had to share about Lauren's day today. 

We started the day bright and early at the 4th & 5th grade track meet. 
Lauren had a very fun cheering section...seriously, could anything be cuter? 

Aside from the cuteness she and Tess were actually hugely full of trouble throughout the morning. 
My pictures are awful because of them...blame them camera actually went flying off the stroller and onto the cement at one point. Awesome. 

So back to Lauren!
Here she is running the 100 m dash. 

And leading off the 4x100...which earned her a blue ribbon!

After school we rushed around getting things prepared for her State Fair.
All semester the 4th graders have been working on their state projects and today was the day to share with everyone!
She was so excited. 

Lauren's state was Louisiana. She chose to make a power point presentation. 
She worked very hard and was very proud of her work. 

She wanted to share something special about her state so we chose to make 
beigents...which are a French donut commonly served in New Orleans. 
We did a test run last week and luckily Mandy came over to help me because I came close to burning down the house with the super hot grease!
They turned out great and Lauren had kids swarming her table to steal these beauties. 

It was so fun to have a whole day just about Lauren. 
As I watched her at the track meet I saw the things in Lauren I love...her encouraging spirit with her friends and classmates, her energy towards cheering her teammates on, her love of fun and excitement, her special way of picking up a friend who is down, the way she makes the best out of every situation. 
She is a natural born nurturer, coach, friend, teacher. 
And this mom is just so proud of her girl tonight!