Wednesday, May 23, 2012

School's Out!!!

Today was the last day of school!!!
Can you just feel that excitement?!?
Seriously, remember that when you were a if they could bottle that feeling up...!

We planned a School's Out Party for the big kids...
Tess had a very hard time waiting for them to get home. 

We had decorations, a water fight, friends, ice cream sundaes and these beautiful cookies. 
(btw, these cookies are a testament to the fact that people lie on Pinterest...
while they are pretty...they are not make them...however if you'd like to try them, stop on over, I have a double batch frozen in my freezer.)

I did a horrible, horrible job of documenting our time with pictures...I think this was the only one of the party. The girls worked so hard on this sign...and then the wind tore it apart. 

And yes, the rumors you are hearing are true...we are homeschooling next year. 
Couldn't be more excited or thrilled to have been called to this. 
I'll be back with posts on that but for now, my favorite person is waiting on the couch for me and 
I dont want to keep him waiting. 


Unknown said...

Wow! That IS big news! Congrats! I can't wait to hear all about that! I'd write more but I also have a guy who'd like me off this computer already!! :) Yea summer!!!

Choose Joy said...

Congrats on school being over and homeschoolling next year.

mama barb said...

Love to all, always a great day...your brothers were always So happy!!!

Courtney said...

what a fun day!

Andrea Dellit said...

Seriously! You NEVER cease to amaze me! I can barely get a total of 4 of us going in the same direction and you throw these cool, creative parties! Please know how awesome you are!