Sunday, May 06, 2012

Weekend Review

We seemed to cram in a whole lot this weekend...and I guess that's why Im so tired!

Friday night my mom and I met Nick and Stacie to watch Olivia's last high school play. 
So hard to believe that she will be at ISU next year. 
I dont have any pictures from the play but I do have this one from prom a couple of weeks ago. 
She was elected prom queen at East High that night. 
We are all just a little proud of all her accomplishments. 

Saturday morning we were off bright and early for Avery's soccer game in CF. 
I gotta tell you Im not sure who enjoys the games more...the girls, Mandy and I coaching or our husband's laughing at our craziness from the sidelines. 
Lots of fun all around. 
Then we rushed back to become the biggest cheering section you can imagine for Lauren's soccer game back in GC. Another fun game. 

At 2 we headed off with the kayaks for our first trip of the year. 
And our first trip ever with Torrance. 
All I can say is wow. 
Torrance in a kayak. 
Anyone interested in babysitting an adorable 18 mo old for a week while we go to Michigan in June. 
Im really not kidding. 

We really had a lot of fun and she had tons of fun. But she is a train wreck and so not safe. 

But we have Happy Kayak Feet! 
Something about this picture just makes me so so happy!

After that you would have thought we were exhausted enough but then Jordan dropped me off to help Mandy with get her cupcake cabinets ready for biz and he SO SWEETLY fed all the hungry, tired and dirty kids, got them all bathed and to bed. 
Yeah, he is so the best.

After church today we were all beat. 
But not so tired that we couldn't have our Cinco de Mayo Party!
Ok, so for us it was actually a Seis de Mayo Party. 
But who cares. 
Tacos, guacamole, salsa and Sullivan's decor....what could be better?!
(side note: my first homemade batch of guac - total yum!)

Lauren was the master chopper for all the taco toppings. 
Having a 10 year old rocks. 

Now to start another week...only 17 days till schools out!!!
And Robert & Jen arrive! 


Rosanna said...

Any chance you can drop Tori off in South Carolina on your way to Michigan. We would LOVE to watch her. Google says it will only be like 20 hours our of your way. PLEASE?!? Love you guys.. and I can only imagine what she is like in a kayak. Love the mental image :)

D G Curren said...

Did you get the guac recipe from Mandy? Her's ROCKS!