Monday, June 11, 2012

the flies

It has to be documented. 
I woke up at 3 am...writhing in pain and itch.
I went to the bathroom and my legs were COVERED in bites. 
They were swollen, red and so so painful.
Luckily we had itch lotion but I truly almost woke Jordan up and told him we needed to go to the ER...I bet I have 300 bites.

Thank you Jesus that Tori is not covered in these bites. 

This sucker and his friends are why I am covered.
I was googling 'stable flies' at 4 am. 
They are NOT regular house flies.
And the ranger said they usually are only here 1-2 days. 
 But that this was day 2.5 so they didnt know what to think. 
She said they can swarm so badly that one couple this week could not recognize their car because it was so covered. Uh? what? sick. 

This picture doesnt really show how bad my legs are...maybe click on it if you want to see Mom!
I asked Jordan if he had ever seen anything like my legs...he said, 'Yes, in pictures from the Plague.'

Thankfully they seem to be gone today! 

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