Monday, September 24, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane

Im sure I've mentioned before how the curriculum we chose was the exact right one for us...
There is an obsession with maps and places in our family...and this year in our curriculum is all about Exploring Countries and Cultures. And LOTS of maps. 
So far we have been studying our home country. 

But today we set out on our journey to explore some of the rest of the world. 
First stop - MEXICO!
The kids were very excited...we will 'stay here' for 2 weeks. 
Of course you cant visit a foreign country without passports!
We 'applied' weeks ago and they arrived just in time! ;)

We 'stamped' them and this afternoon we will be visiting the bank to check out mom and dad's real passports stored safely in our safety deposit box. They are so excited for that!

Avery was really getting into it! 

I'm sure you'll be hearing lots more about our adventures! 

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

Seriously. You are the most awesom-est. Ever.
