Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sullivan quotes

1. He came home from school today and I was showing Jordan his exzema outbreak and Sullivan says, 'Oh yeah!? Well you want to see something really terrible!? Feast your eyes on these!'
He was pointing at some scrapes on his knees.

2. 'Mommy someday I will take you to Mexico with our passports. Wait, this will be better...We'll go to Italy, the city of looooovvvvee! Whoa, wait, Im pretty sure that's actually Paris. So we'll go there instead momma!'

He cracks me up. And his mind is constantly going. Which translates into his mouth constantly moving. He talks nonstop. There are no breaks between thoughts. Basically he is Will Ferrel in the movie Elf.

And I love him for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He cracks me up constantly!