Friday, January 26, 2007


I had the best afternoon. And I was all alone.

Now, considering this day by myself originated because I had a gynecologist appt., you probably wouldnt think it could be too great. But with the exception of the exam itself, I loved every second. Even talking with the gynecologist (he is quite the comedian).

I loved driving over by myself, sining loudly with the radio, sitting in the waiting room reading worthless magazines, and smiling at the other women in the waiting room who were busy keeping track of the kids they had in tow. I got to shop and leisurely go through all the clearance racks. I got myself a sweater for $6.99.

I got to eat supper by myself in Panera and I stayed there for an hour after I had eaten and read! WOW! Im sure everyone that saw me was thinking, "why is that idiot smiling to big?"

However, towards the end of my time in Panera I happened to notice a spot on my shirt. I discovered that it was a small piece of fruit snack that Avery had given to me because she wanted to share with Sully. Suddenly I was ready to go home and I was praying that the kids would still be up when I got there.

Soon enough I wont have anyone to rush home to, or I'll be the one sitting at home wishing they would hurry back.

But it was still a great afternoon/night. And even better to come home to happy kids and a clean house thanks to my wonderful babysitter.

(Jordan had a fun night too, although he chose to spend it with a bunch of screaming fans at a basketball game...not my idea of a real relaxing evening!)

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