Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bye bye baby...

My baby got his first hair cut today, by Great Uncle Randy. Sullivan sat there like he did this every single day and didnt make a peep!

He looks OLD! And so very very cute.

He looks so much like Jordan too me that it is amazing. I hope some girl doesnt find him as cute as I found Jordan and run off with him!

I also got a new camera so I'm having fun!

What are we doing here?!?!?

Are we about done!

Hey, this isnt so bad. That comb feels kind of good!


Cassie said...

very cute!
he looks exactly like jordan!
what kind of camera did you get???

Beckysblog said...

We got the Canon SD800IS
digital elph.

I love the image stabilizer feature on it to more than anything.