Friday, January 05, 2007

Dr. Mom

I swear that I have a sixth sense when it comes to knowing that my kids are sick or are going to get sick...a gift. :)

Avery has had a low temp (101) off and on for the whole week. But we give her tylenol and it is gone and doesnt come back for 12 hours or more.

I had doctor's appointments for her twice but cancelled them because she is acting completely fine. Actually, crazier than ever. She seems to have limitless energy.

Today I had made another appointment for her and I took her. My mom and Jordan said, Becky, she is fine, why are you wasting your time and the money? I went anyway, I just felt that something was going on...why did she have a fever all week???

The dr. actually looked down at his chart and said, Avery is the one who is supposedly sick? She was being SO crazy in the dr.'s office. At one point she was hiding from him IN a cupboard.
Well, turns out, Father Doesn't Know Best, Mom Does.

Weirdest strep I have ever seen...but Strep.
We are on antibiotic now.

I will be accepting my PHD next Saturday in special ceremony just for me. Everyone is invited.

(I hate to gloat over the fact that Avery is sick, but seriously, it is a gift.)

1 comment:

Heather said...

......a gift that comes with motherhood :) it becomes our job to know these things--too bad it doesn't pay better :) Hope the meds kick in quick and she feels better soon!