Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Big girl

Well this will no doubt jinx the entire thing but I am proud do announce that Avery is 'potty trained.' Now I still tell her to go to the bathroom multiple times a day, so Im not sure if she is truly potty trained but we have had no accidents in like almost 2 weeks, she poops in the potty and LOVES princess panties!
The babysitter said yesterday that Avery is by far the easiest kid she has ever seen get potty trained. Granted Avery is only there 2 days a week but she hasn't had any accidents.
Jordan is very excited about cutting the diaper bill in half and about being a few short weeks away from buying formula for Sullivan. I informed him that we should take a vacation with the extra money - not start planning for #4!!!!! :)


Cassie said...

Now THAT sounds like a good idea...a vacation, that is! :)

Jennie Peakin said...

I think you should take a vacation...THEN plan for #4! ;)

Beckysblog said...

Take a vacation, relax for 3 years...then THINK about planning for #4.