Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dad

My dad would have been 61 today.

It remains very hard to even believe that he isnt here for us to celebrate with. I wonder if that will ever change? Actually I hope it doesnt, as much as it hurts, I dont want it to ever feel 'normal' for him to be gone.

It is also hard to believe that this weekend we will be adding a member to our family that my dad never even got to meet. My dad would have been the third happiest person at Joe's wedding. He would have been so proud of Joe and Amy. It seems very wrong that he cant be there, although I know that this is God's perfect plan and someday we will understand. And the best part is that someday he will meet Amy.

Happy Birthday Dad, we miss you every single day. Loving you....


Anonymous said...

thinking of you today. as i was sorting through papers on my computer desk late last night, i cam across the papers from his funeral and made note of his birthday. i hadn't seen them since that day, so it was strange to find them the night before his birthday. i said and little prayer. hope the day isn't too difficult for you. enjoy your weekend. i'm certain you will feel his presence throughout.
love you...

Andrea Dellit said...

Thinking of you and your family today. Brad's mom's birthday just passed and I know what you mean that it is hard to believe even now...The things that you post are a great way to remember him and remind others of him. You talk all of the time what a great dad he was...I can tell he was, not because I knew him, but by knowing you and what a great person, wife, mother, sister, and daughter that you are. Take comfort in your memories of him today and enjoy your brother's wedding. He's smiling even bigger at all of you this week. Take care-sorry we missed you this weekend--A

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and your family. Sending you love and prayers.