Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My heart is light

Probably 2 months ago I told Stacie (our babysitter 2 days per week) that it was my dream that one day this summer I would walk into her house at the end of the day and she would say, "Watch this!" And Sully would walk around the corner.

Well it didnt exactly happen that way, but...

My mom had to pick the kids up for me today and she got to see Sully walk from the couch to Stacie's arms. Stacie had him taking 5 steps at a time all day. At one point she said he took 9-10 steps - all on his own - holding nothing!!!!

We are so very very close!

I dont know which made me happier, the tears in my mom's eyes when she showed me how Sully could walk, the sound of Stacie's voice when I talked to her on the phone to hear her story about it or the look of complete joy and pride on Sully's face when he showed me how he could walk to grandma. Ok, I do know which made me happiest...but my mom's face and Stacie's voice were pretty good too! :)

Jordan has the rest of the week off and we are excited to work with Sully and see what more he can do!!!


Jennie Peakin said...

YEAH!! So glad to hear that...keep it up Sully!

Andrea Dellit said...

oh, congratulations!!! he'll do so great!!! We'll be in town over the weekend -- We'll stop by to see Sully walk!

Anonymous said...

PRAISE BE!!!!!!!!! :- )

Anonymous said...

that is fabulous news, becky! anxious to see how thing develop over the next week! :)

Melanie said...

I bet you are on cloud nine!!! A short time from now he will be running all over!

Heather said...

I am just catching up, but HOW EXCITING!!! An answer to many, many prayers...how awesome!