Wednesday, August 22, 2007

School Days

Well the big day arrived. I was secretly hoping that time would stop and it wouldnt. Ok, maybe that wasnt a secret. Actually it was fun to watch Lauren today. She was the most excited she could be. She will love school, I have no doubt.

Much like Cassie did, Jordan and I spent last night before bed going through the basics, "If someone is mean to you, dont be mean back, that's not what Jesus teaches us, Be nice to everyone, Listen to your teacher."

I suddenly felt like there was a lot I'd like to still teach her. I felt like I was sending her to college unprepared - not to kindergarten.

But I think today I finally realized that kindergarten might be fun for me too! Volunteering in her class, class parties, field trips, getting to know the other mom's...


Lauren, you are so ready for school and we know you will do wonderfully. We are forever proud of you. Just remember - we are also forever here for you to come home to!

Eating breakfast at school...

Avery was more than a little jealous this morning so she got some pictures taken too!


Cassie said...

oh my gosh...she looks like she's 16!!
paul's mom called tonight and said she was dying reading my blog. she said she felt like it was yesterday that she was thinking the EXACT same thoughts as she sent paul to kindergarten. she went on to say that she felt the exact same way again when she sent him off to college. so many things she felt like she had forgotten to tell him and teach him. and look...he turned out PERFECT! HA!

Jennie Peakin said...

Okay, so I am realizing from reading all of your blogs that I need to start early with teaching Tate things! I don't think it matters, I'll still feel like there are things I forgot! I don't want Tate to ever go to kindergarten!!!

Love Lauren's outfit...she looks so old!