Sunday, August 05, 2007


We had Vacation Bible School every night this past week. Jordan and I team taught the 4s and 5s with the wonderful assistance of Melanie and lots of teens. We had a really fun time. The kids did great. We acted out each lesson with the help of the teens and I think the kids were really able to learn more from each lesson this way.
Lauren was in our class and Avery was in her own class. Very fun, but we are always tired after this long week! It is great to see God working in some of these kids, even though they are so young.

Duck, duck, goose - game time!

Captain CRASH!!!

Sully and the Sheriff!


Anonymous said...

i'm so confused! is that JORDAN?? does he really have on a HAWKEYE t-shirt?? what bet did he lose this time?

Anonymous said...

I know! He has to wear the shirt on holidays with my family due to a lost bet. I really do not know why he wears it other times. He SAYS he wears it when there is a chance he could get dirty (we tie dyed shirts that night). Honestly, I think he is a closet Hawk fan!!! Im finaly rubbing off!

Anonymous said...

No bet this time, trying to ruin it by helping kids with their tie dye shirts.

Andrea Dellit said...

Jordan, seriously, you're an educated guy...Iowa is the HAWKEYE state...remember the song we learned in grade school that said so? {I'll be glad to sing it for you!}