Monday, March 17, 2008

Green Party

Grandma Cindy went all out for the GREEN Party on Saturday.

We stared out with a green lunch of kiwi, grapes, apples, cucumbers, broccoli, green peppers, olives, green beans, and 2 non green items - hotdogs and chips.
Grandma then read the kids a leprachan story and we had a leprachan hunt. Each child found a leprachan who were then required to give them their treasure.
After that we had green cupcakes and green sherbert.
Then Grandma showed everyone some magic by turning glue and borax into Good Luck Goo! The kids had a great time playing with that until Jordan turned it into a juggling and throwing contest.
After the goo the kids learned how to dance an Irish jig complete with Irish folk music.

Here's the kids and grandma - they wanted to see themselves in their matching shirts. I was being very helpful - standing on the toilet taking pictures.

Everyone had a great time and I know that they will remember this party for a long time. Thanks Cindy!!

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

what an awesome and fun day!