Friday, March 14, 2008

Toy Room

Our toy room is not heated so in the winter it is simply a room where we (literally) throw the toys and run away. Today was the day to clean it so the kids can actually play out there again and the toys can stay out of my living room!
I bribed Lauren and Avery and told them we'd have a suprise tonight if they were really good about helping me clean and organize.
Avery tried her best! :)
Lauren did great. She is seriously way more helpful than a six year old should be. So tonight the girls and I will be having a movie night and camping out on the living room floor on air mattresses. They are so excited. Avery keeps asking when its going to be dark and if she can get her jammies on. Im excited too!

Here is the toy room all clean. A couple of years ago we came home from a family vacation to find it had been redecorated in a circus theme by my mom, Cindy and Melanie. We still love the circus theme!
As you can tell - we outgrew this toy room about 2 kids ago. Even when we clean it there isnt a lot of space to actually play. Its possible we have WAY too many toys! :)

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