Sunday, March 07, 2010

From Geography to Arithmetic

We've moved on from geography lessons in the game RISK to math lessons in Monopoly.
I tried my hardest to talk them out of this...but after about 16 games of Bananagrams they were ready for a change.
So Jordan pulled out this 'child friendly' game.
So far they seem to be having fun but I have to keep a close watch.
I've refused to play this game with Jordan for years.
He is mean. He refuses to trade or deal.
He charges ridiculous amounts for the trades he does agree to...its not fun!

So Tess and I did this instead.
She's been a little under the weather this weekend and enjoying quite a bit of cuddle time.

(As a side note: I need to take a spelling lesson -
I actually had to look up how to spell arithmetic!)


Sarah Guild said...

I do NOT play Monopoly with my husband, either. He is ruthless and it is no fun. The game is just gathering dust until some unsuspecting individual get sucked into playing with him.

trista said...

I am NOT a Monopoly fan. LONGEST game EVER! UGH!

trista said...

Just remembered this. Apparently Andy loved Monopoly as a child. He even made his own game board. He was devastated when their cat gave birth on the board. Hope that gave you a laugh! It may make playing with Jordan a bit more know when he won't trade, just picture a cat giving birth on his properties! :)