Thursday, March 18, 2010


Sullivan was very excited (and adorable) about mom and dad's alma mater,
UNI's big win tonight!
Go Panthers!!!!

And Contessa thought this was hilarious!
Wearing big brother's underwear.


Cassie said...

we cheered them on from florida!! finally, a team we can agree on! :)

Trina said...

What an exciting finish! but so pathetic that I watched it alone and was doing silent cheers and fist-pumps in my living room because the kids were sleeping.

Andrea said...

the underwear is just funny! and I think Jordan and Brad were wearing the same sweatshirt.

mama barb said...

Pat Bloxham and I snuck to kitchen between homework and video and watched last minute of game..we both cheered and everyone was wondering just What we were doing!!

Go Panthers!!!

Tess just has her own way to celebrate...
Mama Barb

Ellie said...

Becky, you know that neither of us was a Panther....but we were SCREAMING at the top of our lungs at this game!! Oh so fun!

And now what to do about the next game?? Did you know Troy graduated from Michigan State??!! We may just be a house divided on Friday night.