Thursday, March 18, 2010


Yesterday afternoon I got the greatest email from Avery and her preschool teacher.
It simply said that she had a surprise for me when she got home.

She came home to show me that something was missing!
See that adorable little space in her mouth?

There you go.

She got to bring the tooth home in this special first tooth necklace.
Then in true Avery fashion she lost the tooth before she could show it to daddy.
But also in Avery fashion...she wasn't upset by it.
We assured her the tooth fairy would still come!
Lauren would NEVER have lost her first tooth and if she had she would have been worked up for days. They couldn't be more different!

And then in true Becky and Jordan fashion we both got choked up talking
about Avery's tooth and how she is growing up. Saps I tell saps.


yoderyears said...

Congratulations, Avery!!!
Brooklyn was so excited to share the good news when she got home from school. So fun :)

Jennie Peakin said...

That looks like the same tooth that Lani lost a few days ago!

D G Curren said...

Congrats Avery! Sorry about the growing up thing, Mom and Dad!