Thursday, March 25, 2010

oh ye of little faith

Today I was reading in my 'Jesus 365' Devotional (get it!)

The lesson was about when Zechariah was told that he and Elisabeth would be parents.

Zechariah responded, 'HOW?!'

And I just love what Gabriel said (this is the BV - Becky Version)..."Hey, human, I'm an ANGEL who gets to stand beside GOD! He sent me to tell you. But because you have such miniscule faith you cant talk now until your baby is born!"

Take that.

And that is what I do.


I question God on everything. Every. Little. Thing.

And often He has to say, "hey human! I'M GOD, that's why!"

I need to stop questioning Him and start praising Him more! I needed that reminder today.

And I kind of love it that God has an amazing sense of humor. Not letting Zechariah speak...that's a good one!


Ellie said...

Oh my, that is good. I especially love that you threw in the BV version :)

yoderyears said...

"hey, human...I'M GOD!" Love it!!