Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Avery update

Our trip to the pediatrician was uneventful for the most part. He said that if probably would have admitted her to the hospital last night if he had seen her. He said she sounded on the verge of 'danger'. (Um, hope I never hear those words again when talking about my child.)
He said what he has seen with this virus is that diarreha will come next. YEAH! Cant wait.

Avery is better but no where near good. Actually the only difference is that she is not puking. She has a little more energy but not much.
She lost over a pound since she was in 1.5 weeks ago with an ear infection. Considering she weighs 26 pounds, that is a lot. He said that if she starts to get even a little like she did last night that we needed to head to the ER. Her reserve is low now so apparently we have to be even more careful.

I am not resting easy tonight. Neither is Avery. She cant seem to sleep or relax. She is agitated and fussy. I am pushing fluids but I think she has had it with that. But she FINALLY had a wet diaper so that is good news.

Isn't it amazing how you dont appreciate 'normal' until you dont have it?

Please pray for Avery tonight.

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