Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Happy 5th Birthday, Lauren Elaine!

Honey my words cannot express how much we love you. The day you were born changed our lives forever. When I held you in my arms and looked in your eyes I fell in love like I have never done before. Your daddy and I realized at that moment what it was going to be like to have our entire world focus around one little perfect baby girl. You have brought joy and laughter to us like we had never known before.
Right from the first minute you were born, you were daddy's girl. He would do anything for you. Remember someday when you find your husband...daddy loved you first! There were times I had to say, "hey! I want to hold my baby!" Just to get you away from him for awhile!
We would sit and stare at you and admire how beautiful and precious you were. As you are growing we are finding more and more things to love and adore about you...as well as a few things that cause us to pull our hair out! :)
We love how you are a princess at heart and how you want everything in life to be beautiful and in order. We love watching you learn and watching you teach your sister new things. Your sweet tender heart is always looking out for others feelings and you are so quick to notice when someone is not feeling happy. You will no doubt make a wonderful mother someday!

One thing I want you to remember, like I have always taught you...Cinderella and Prince Charming may have lived Happily Ever After - but it wasn't with out a lot of HARD WORK!

Lauren dont grow up too quickly, I love having you as my little girl.
Thank you, for teaching me how to dream and for making my dreams come true, all in the same moment. Happy Birthday Sweetheart...

Love mommy and daddy

Lauren - 18 months

Lauren and Mommy

Lauren and Daddy

1 comment:

Cassie said...

happy happy birthday lauren!! WE LOVE YOU!!!