Thursday, November 09, 2006

Just another blessing...

Sully and I went over for his dermatologist appointment today.
I am very pleased with how it went. The dr. was great. She spent the first several minutes of the appointment just playing with Sully - always a good sign.

She looked him over really well and said he definetly has a bad case of eczema but not like some she sees. She said many kids with the rash this bad also have it covering their faces. I cannot even imagine that!

Her biggest concern is that some of his worst spots look on the verge of infection and with the time of year she thinks he could start to have a problem there. So we are putting him on pretty strong oral steriod for 9 days. She called it a miracle drug. She said he will look like a new baby. Unfortunetly, that wont last once he is off the steriod...but it shouldn't be as bad. (She said some of her patients have to schedule things like baby photos around times that they are on this steroid because it is the only time you would even think about getting their pictures taken - how sad!)It sounds like we will be using this steriod off and on to take care of flare ups.

Sully will also be on a topical steriod mixed with a lotion that will allow him to use it more often and for a longer period of time.
She gave me the good news that most kids with eczema like this will see it disappear or GREATLY diminish by the time they are 3.
She also said that often kids with this in their history will not have any trouble with acne! So, we have to take him to the dermatologist now, but not when he is a teen!

I am feeling really good about the hope of clearing Sully up. I find the gift God gives to dr.'s to heal and give hope so amazing.

On another note - Avery is feeling much better too! Daddy took her to the park this am and he is with them all this afternoon while I am at work.

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