Saturday, November 11, 2006


Sully's flu has been pretty light compared to how it hit the other two. Although we thought he was 100% better and then apparently fed him way too much for supper because that came back up - after not throwing up for 24 hours - weird. We aren't the brightest parents. He was literally smiling for the camera and then threw up and then started smiling again - who does that? He is so happy.
We are considering putting a quaranteen sign on our front door. Here are some pictures from our day locked inside!

Even though it was cold - they had to be princesses and dance for awhile.

Then because Avery was involved, the princesses had to wrestle.

Reading books after bath and before bed!

Literally seconds before he threw up!

Trying to find a block under the couch - SO cute!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

i LOVE the pics! looks like the day wasn't a total loss...considering the flu, you did pretty well! becky, you just need to sneak by without getting it! :)