Sunday, September 09, 2007


We recently started a new James Mac Donald series in our Sunday School class. Today he was discussing some of the myths concerning God's goals for this world. This one struck home: "God is trying to make us all healthy, wealthy, and happy."

He went on to say that this tragic distortion of the gospel is repeatedly told in our prosperous society but that it could never be told in Third World counties where people know of true suffering and pain unlike we Americans who feel cheated and wronged if our neighbor is driving a newer car than we are. We do not know their kind of suffering - we believe that it is our right to be happy. Wrong.

James claims that suffering is part of the cross. That Christ uses it to chisel away at our sinful hearts. Without suffering, we can't be perfected. He is working in us to perfect make us LIKE HIM! So that as each year passes in our Christian walk, when we look in the mirror we start to see less of ourselves and more of Him.

II Corinthians 3:18 says, " And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

In the past two and half years I can clearly pick out three major things in my life that could be labeled emotional suffering. While in the deep of each I could not have said, "Thank you Lord, thank you for working to perfect me." I couldnt see the reason for any of it.

But today as I thought about myself two and a half years ago, I know that the reflection in my mirror is quite different. Less like me and starting to look a little like Him. Going through the pain - the transforming, wasn't/isn't fun. But now I can say, "Thank you Lord, Wow! Now I get it, I see what you were showing me, I see why I needed that in my life." It is so much more clear to see what He was working on in me.
Phillipians 1:6 "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it out to completion until the day of Jesus Christ."

I'm so glad he doesnt give up on me, I'm so glad that he keeps the chisel sharp...even when it hurts.


Anonymous said...

as a whole church we are doing a 6 week james macdonald study on his book "downpour". it's this week was week 3. it's been great. we have had a special sunday night worship service to really connect one-on-one with god. this weekend's topic was brokeness. we need to be broken to draw near to him. so funny you are doing a study of his as well! i have so much work to do!

Anonymous said...

We did that series in the spring for Sunday School. It is GREAT.

Jennie Peakin said...

I think I may steal some of this for my blog...hope you don't mind. :)

Shannon/Jodi said...
